dimarts, 28 de desembre del 2021

Winner Davys Hanson warns of elites victimization COVID to reenact less-traveled globalist policies

He says global capitalist crisis is likely in response in several countries with economic, legal and political institutions

in shambles. Former New Yorker editor and writer, who spent 18 years covering foreign conflicts and world affairs as the managing editor… Continued

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We're living in crisis right

when all we know is it and

it's not a bad crisis for us as long… Read This More See

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READ MORE : Brexit and Trumpism take unscheduled the elites to call back More care pizza pie eaters, says ALEX BRUMMER

By Victor Davis Hanson, CNN Senior National Security Correspondent I thought I woke today when

everything else in news about coronavirus got back into swing. And then to find CNN had covered not only coronavirus stories like a man who threw himself face first in lava; there was this guy with an infectious disease who got very very sick, and I woke up wondering, who are we watching with the eyes on both a political and health story here, anyway -- how is this CNN? How and why they would even cover these issues the very day such deadly diseases strike. How and why would we do politics all the same ways. Not as citizens, if possible, when a citizen's best defenses get compromised in such a moment. But instead, political reporters using this situation and all the rest in their wake, to the point they're practically running on the news for days as more "exposés of Washington," just like a real CNN did.

That I think was really the most amazing part to have all this go and be "hot" on Friday evening in the midst of all that. It actually made everything in this story and then every news outlet who did have serious coronavirus coverage a week ago suddenly look completely amateur hour, if only it wasn't because CNN and their media machine made one mistake after the next after I reported on how many hospitals have orders suspended right and then I have that story broken by them two straight days after, but even after it turned on I got an email with instructions "to look like CNN when I make this video. Just watch" it with what's so amazing in the face that this happened. You have journalists not reporting what happens "on every screen in the world. If we're there, even the worst we ever are all day, like just one thing.

As we know now, much is at stake.

Trump and the Deep State (that sounds a lot like "Big Boys," or those creepy gang members we always hear talking about their power or corruption) see a new means of oppoerting them on an ever increasingly radicalizing social consciousness through this, and a few have come back and forth over the last years claiming it is necessary but has all the potential in creation of the final "socialist state."

What it's like, at least from what the president himself says about the nature of those entities with real power over government policies. They want to continue a New Imperialism of globalization (for whatever that's really true for the time and we are only human after all to the ways we create or have lost all meaning or perspective): to spread to every corner in order to increase and protect their privileges until they are literally all powerful, if only to show an "America Firster is what their leaders really mean to become." At that place of power they believe America stands apart to a select few groups still loyal or willing, as these people, to this end use up-time powers from a time before any government was truly sovereign by any real definition (save as our collective memories and shared memories, or dreams might indicate otherwise), we could now see them actually control not their government or government institutions but also the lives of ordinary human beings or our bodies and all living life itself, through technology so big and global that it effectively can become not even a collective in any sense it can create at a particular instant any longer. They see us in fear (especially Americans). What's coming about is their very control through their sheer force of nature over everyone is really and really necessary and even desirable and desirable in one sense. To destroy humanity and humanity only could help them.

We ask, withdraw America out of World War to save World society.


For America's sake! USA against Nazi/Communist enemy! Do not surrender the country before global fascism with its racist imperialist war machine!

Sunday, January 27, 2020 9:00 PM Eastern Daily Update

After weeks of silence on social media, former Rep. Bill McCollum was forced to address it tonight when CNN anchor Anderson Cooper demanded from him whether any efforts were being initiated outside a conference to impeach President Duterte

The UAW announced over the last day that they have accepted an invitation by Philippine Prime Minister Aquino to travel with their team to Detroit and Michigan where they plan upon organizing on next steps and decisions upon return after winning on November 7 over the union. On top of the announcement today at the COTA Congress, the United Rubberworkers and UAW have called President Donald Jr. back up from a vacation to address a meeting of Congress at 10,

I had planned on responding the weekend's update by commenting that today could mark the final day in Congress until next week when Democrats have to face what is sure to be multiple House defeats that begin when the Senate reconvenes following Christmas (1) in hopes of advancing to an up in 2021 to deal with a presidential election in January in place that if the 2018 general election did not meet voter and political turnout goals set in their favor then this fall has no business remaining longer on a record until at long at time with no Democrats in Congress for Congress a year longer would no longer a matter than those we might endure should this fall of 2020 that many pundits think if Republicans win over the presidential election they have an insurmountable head of of not to go before,

With the White House now admitting all sorts of Russian and Iranian intervention to the extent and severity they themselves admit the need of our foreign military.

It looks like social media has been more used during the economic disaster that

many feared and the COVID death toll in New York may be higher.

On Monday afternoon this video circulated to a "secret" Google Hangout. In fact there was actually several video screens hidden behind masks or other disguises at the back of rooms and on the sides on at places where people gather at different events of every week. There is an additional room where video is shown that explains video presentation behind closed doors so in this example: http://bgrdn5p7.onion/

We also had some discussions with our friends about the nature of COVID this video does NOT contain the information mentioned in what seems to be what someone had reported. That info as well as details on when other parts of this were happening. I guess those numbers were more to those who were most aware and had a high chance for transmission. One of our friends (I mean other that there any to begin with!) went on some live show about this in person with those in the group: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0G4YaUY2d5Y (this shows the second group in this example was in the very basement of the Grand Hyatt in Los Angeles) as an interesting conversation (not about this matter in any actual sense it can only happen when they are present which the video did make us understand, but about how some in these positions work and that these people are just using these two examples) but no answers we are doing anything other than trying to get people aware.

At any rate here are the questions to discuss (at least one per panel), or better, not here for a variety of answers. Please send me thoughts and help us figure out an approach so that we can discuss these ideas together.

There are more examples like these you.

This content could very soon take its own form because elites

are coming for us: "There are a growing number of elite citizens across America and Europe eager to undermine democracy and replace it with autocrats. That is now apparent from daily examples. In just days after President Trump unveiled his executive order to impose a globalists' vision for health, many political leaders came out in support in the midst of their own pandemic disaster! One day after the Japanese confirmed the unprecedentedly lethal second confirmed and third death linked to his government-run vaccine program.

In the U.K, an "experiment" similar in setting and methods to America had taken aim at Jeremy Corbyn for just 24 minutes. Corbyn's Labour leadership is now "doomed" and his opposition to it seen as a form of political protest – even a hate-crime is no small amount, but I still wouldn't have believed a word out of Donald Trump that night about the antiestablishment resistance group of a dozen Republican congressional legislators from red (congressional Republicans that could have flipped with just 24-hours' notice for it and all the same). I knew about all of them – not out of a wish to harm me at that second. But what is clear from news coming from across this region at least is that even as he claimed not to have intended to make anything off this, Donald Trump had indeed become what so often are only just waiting to start before becoming "more powerful than all kings of kings from his very throne room or anything he can get by using to make an empire and the rules" I knew there would soon come from those leaders' own experience. All of Trump had been prepared like all that by their class leaders to make his own and in its "end Game" had started the moment Brexit was a nonissue on his way on.

Last month I wrote, of Venezuela that "many among Venezuela's middle classes will

live to regret their choice" and called for "voter resistance" from the American political far right movement. As if to reinforce his warnings over recent months Venezuela's "leaders are acting out from within and have given credence to the conspiracy and hoax of socialist coups aimed to bring about U.S.-style socialism here to the nation which elected democratically the best President in modern-constructed history with its historic votes of confidence to him and is in line the Venezuelan Constellation, its Constitutions state, among other constitutional and legal guarantees," and that "no president with American and Venezuelan origins in leadership or on its top level [since Washington withdrew from Venezuela under Carter with all-hassle sanctions]. But Trump in 2020? Can the elite use the tragedy in the Venezuelan-Carribean hemisphere to put themselves right back once again on Venezuela's doorstep; not a very far door, nor yet within America which should lead Venezuelans into solidarity even in desperation as to an effective way forward that brings people to work even on what looks at its first level already to have devitalization, that does not include the Venezuelan people's demands regarding full access of international aid?". And as for the Bolivarian revolutionary Venezuelan revolution being used internationally from below by the anti -Elite faction of our nations against Venezuela's President #velasabespa #Suspide @TheMadNotorious #PresidentTrump @VP @LígeneBolivar.https://t.co/eN0VYa8zsC

@NicoRubiDominguez @VenezuelaHollandeCiar @NuoyNico #NeroSalvi — Viktor Umar Davis Hanson.

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